
Stories of my crazy college days in T-Town.

Feed Tacoma!

At first, I wasn't sure about feedtacoma. I thought it was going to be some sort of fundraising, food driving thing.
I loved the presentation Kevin Freitas gave us about his website, feedtacoma.com. It was such an awesome idea, and while it probably isn't the choice I'd make, I admire that he does it for fun, not money. I also liked the design of the site- he keeps it very minimal, clean, and easy to navigate.
I like going there and seeing what everyone is up to and to look at new blogs. It's a great resource for someone who is new to Tacoma. If one learns to use exit133 and feedtacoma, they have access to all kinds of awesome information. You can find reviews on all things Tacoma, see what others are up to, etc. It's amazing. I also really loved his idea of a Tacoma wiki. I think it would be especially terrific if he made each wiki entry have a place for comments. That way, it could also be an aggregate of reviews/experiences.
I don't know about everyone else out there, but David and I use the internet to look up all sorts of things. I especially like reviews I can read before I try something. Also, when David and I look for something (let's say italian food) we are most likely to go to the restaurant with a website and/or reviews.
I'm thinking of contacting Kevin about the Tacoma wiki thing, and also contacting downtown merchants about feedtacoma/their businesses. It would be neat to have information about all kinds of retailers downtown, and it would be even neater to have pictures.
For me, the more details the better! Even if it leads to indecision, I like to have lots of options.