
Stories of my crazy college days in T-Town.

I'm calm, I promise!

So, thanks to those of you in my TINST207 class who asked about my ordeal :D I appreciate your concern.  Anyways, I went home and was still sort of mad, so I went and got my brows waxed (it was a nice pick-me-up. I hadn't had it done in forevor) and then went home and had some of my mom's homemade lasagna and apple crisp.  I must admit I'm feeling much better now.  

Drove by business address of locksmith I used, and there were houses on both sides... Makes things seem even more shady (the articles I read said that they use fake addresses- even if this is a real address, without a storefront it is even harder to contact them).  Also, this business is 2.1 miles away from where my car was stuck, so they definitely did not take over an hour to drive there (despite the "we'll be right out!).  Anyways, I'm gonna call around and see ifI can find out whether or not they are licensed, etc.  

They're going to wish they just helped me out when I called- anger is some good motivation for me.