
Stories of my crazy college days in T-Town.

Online Worlds

So, basically I'm blogging to avoid doing my (very tedious) philosophy paper. Anyways, I was thinking about it some more, and I was thinking about how you can be anyone you want to be online. You can choose what parts of yourself to show or not show, and you can downright lie. Take Myspace Angles, for example. Watch this video. I assure you, it is worth your time (NSFW). It's says ten minutes, but you only need to watch part one.
Anyways, I guess the idea is to take anything someone says online with a grain of salt. I know someone who moved here from almost the east coast to be with a guy she met online. They met online, and then in person on xmas eve, and she moved all her stuff over on New Year's Day. Guess how that turned out? Yeah, not good (note to self: don't tell her about your blog). Like with crazy fights and cops and a broken lease bad. Both of these people were sort of odd (I seem to attract the crazies!). Anyways, I'm not saying that online dating is impossible or bad, I'm just saying people should beware (and drop everything to move across the country to be with someone they've only known in person for two days).
Maybe all of this is why I prefer the real world to online? I hate myspace and never check mine (same with facebook). I only made one so I could look at someone's pictures. I think the technology is cool (how else could I look up my best friend from 1st grade who moved away?), but people are WAAAAAAAAY too into it, and I am not. I did Running Start in high school, and I never hung out with people my age (always had older friends) and I think I just kind of missed my myspace crazy when it swept over the high schools. Same with texting... I use it, but not much.